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- GTWY-851
Merge old integration tests into new integration-test folder - GTWY-850
Establish better Nexus layout - GTWY-848
Rename IntegrationTests so we can have a clear test pattern. - GTWY-846
Add installation scripts to the distribution package. - GTWY-845
Merge properties into a single file - GTWY-842
Create clean SVN instance of Maven configuration. - GTWY-841
Resolve devependcy version/distribution problems for OpenSAML library - GTWY-837
Create POM for endoresed-jars - GTWY-836
Create POM for database scripts - GTWY-835
Create top level POM for the gateway - GTWY-834
Review if profile properties can get moved to external profiles.xml file to clean up the build file. - GTWY-801
Review Eclipse integration issues. - GTWY-799
Resolve ICUj4 dependency warning. - GTWY-798
Enable test execution - GTWY-251
Update library dependencies within Maven.
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