Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
The behavior of redirecting a user to a specific page after trying a page that requires login and then logining in isn't working very well.
For the following example to work tablefunc.sql must be added to your local/dev postgres database. Also the CCSM data in the static-test-data.sql must be uncommented and added to the database using the redeploy ant task.
Enter the front page of the application
Click the Community Climate System Model (CCSM) link
Click the CCSM Model Output [empty] link under "Nested Collections"
Click on the Metrics tab.
Notice nothing happens. The metrics tab actually has security on it because that link leads to a /metrics/admin/...
There is no redirect to where the user can actually login, nothing.
Now, use the back button to return to the home index page.
Click the Login tab
Then finish the openId login process. At this point the page goes to where we tried to go with the metrics tab click above through a redirect.
This page is suppose to be seen from inside the tabbed notebook on the viewProject.htm page. Not by itself. All navigation disapears, etc...
Is there another way of handeling where we are redirected to when a secure request occurs and the user isn't logged in? Typically a url is added to the query string, but in our case we might not be able to get away with that due to using openId.
This bug also points out a weakness of the dynamic tabbed notebooks. After login we should have been redirected to the viewCollection.htm page with the metrics tab selected. But instead, I was redirected to the content of the notebook tab itself.
For the following example to work tablefunc.sql must be added to your local/dev postgres database. Also the CCSM data in the static-test-data.sql must be uncommented and added to the database using the redeploy ant task.
Enter the front page of the application
Click the Community Climate System Model (CCSM) link
Click the CCSM Model Output [empty] link under "Nested Collections"
Click on the Metrics tab.
Notice nothing happens. The metrics tab actually has security on it because that link leads to a /metrics/admin/...
There is no redirect to where the user can actually login, nothing.
Now, use the back button to return to the home index page.
Click the Login tab
Then finish the openId login process. At this point the page goes to where we tried to go with the metrics tab click above through a redirect.
This page is suppose to be seen from inside the tabbed notebook on the viewProject.htm page. Not by itself. All navigation disapears, etc...
Is there another way of handeling where we are redirected to when a secure request occurs and the user isn't logged in? Typically a url is added to the query string, but in our case we might not be able to get away with that due to using openId.
This bug also points out a weakness of the dynamic tabbed notebooks. After login we should have been redirected to the viewCollection.htm page with the metrics tab selected. But instead, I was redirected to the content of the notebook tab itself.
- relates to
GTWY-339 Login Success Message
- Done