I set out to download the NCAR Command Language software package without a membership to this group. After joining the NCL group, the following redirect that I presume would take me back to download the software file produced a 404, it could not be found on the server. By appearances, a template substitution failed to take place in the construction of the redirect link:
Redirected to:
HTTP Status 404 - /$%7BgroupApplicationCommand.redirect%7D
type Status report
message /$%7BgroupApplicationCommand.redirect%7D
description The requested resource (/$%7BgroupApplicationCommand.redirect%7D) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/6.0.29
Redirected to:
HTTP Status 404 - /$%7BgroupApplicationCommand.redirect%7D
type Status report
message /$%7BgroupApplicationCommand.redirect%7D
description The requested resource (/$%7BgroupApplicationCommand.redirect%7D) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/6.0.29